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Les satyres, natures,s'attirent dans la voiture,et se tirent et saturentl'ossature de la tire, de rires et de luxure, et ça tourne, et ça dure,sous saturne et venus,dans l'urne d'uranus. la lune bat la cadense,de ce bal décadent,qui transpire le cuir,et la chaleur intense de la nuit délétère,qui grise comme de l'éther,et noircit des cahiers,
I'll ask = i will ask = je vais demanderagain = encore (une fois)sir = monsieurto look at : regarder.in = danscrowded = bondé (rempli par la foule)shopping mall = shopping center = centre commercialin front of = devantchildren = enfantsto call = appeleronce = une fois three times = trois fois"ho" = abbréviation de "whore" (familier) = pute.sexual
Les derniers poèmes sont un peu tristounets j'avoue :d ... mais bon, j'ai mes périodes, et chaque poème traite d'un sujet différent, donc pas l'impression de me répéter trop pour l'instant. j'aspire à faire quelque chose de plus gai, mais pas sur ce blog-ci, qui restera noir, mélancolique, romantique, et parfois tout de même ponctué de tr
Love is a hopeless case now as love has become self-esteemtrue things happen less now,or in the books or in our dreams too many fakes, too twistedso many shapes we can't believe inwe keep on running after it somehow,though we are sailing raging seas, > is there anybody, anybody home,> will there be at last someone staying here for long,> is there a
Mr sticky no one knew how mr. sticky got in the fish tank. "he's very small," mum said as she peered at the tiny water snail. "just a black dot." "he'll grow," said abby and pulled her pyjama bottoms up againbefore she got into bed. in the morning abby jumped out of bed and switched on the light in her fish tank. gerry, the fat orange goldfish, was