"lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi....sont les jours de la semaine"
Ses blogs
French classes for students at Saint Mary of the Angels
Welcome to my blog! I am really glad to show what the SMA students learn in the French classes.
Articles à découvrir
This afternoon, we learned a song with the days in the week.two other activities helped us to learn this new vocabulary.parents, you also can listen to this song: "les jours de la semaine".
Today, we read the fantastic book "la soupe au caillou" ("the stone soup"), and in the same time we made the soup with the ingredients to learn the french words of the stone and the vegetables. the kids love this book and some of them knew this story in english.
"lundi matin, l'empereur, sa femme et le petit price sont venus chez moi pour me serrer la pince."
With a new song ( lundi matin, l'empereur, sa femme et le petit price...), we are studying the days of the week. the students have to recognize the words that they know, in the song. and we play with this new vocabulary. we had fun to play and to sing! le_petit_prince les_jours_de_la_semaine_mots_croises
Today is the last french class and it is fun to play!we played with the uno cards and we remembered the colors and the numbers. thank you my students for coming every monday to my class! i hope to see you the next session.
This famous french song with its choreography were learned by the students yesterday. you can listen to this song here; "meunier, tu dors? ton moulin, ton moulin va trop vite." and you can see what the students made in the albums photos.
Now, the students know the days of the wwek, the months of the year, they can say the date : "aujourd'hui, nous sommes le lundi 28 fevrier 2011" we made a"cocotte" to play with this new vocabulary. good job my students!
"coeur, amour, famille, amis, amitié..." and other words are our new vocabulary to celebrate valentine's day in french! your child ma de a beautiful heart with those new words.
Today, it is our last french class. so we made a big poster to show what we like to do (and what we don't like). i think you can see it in the corridor. we had fun to make it and now, the students can say : "j'aime chanter" ou j'aime lire" ou "je n'aime pas jouer au basket". thank you my students for coming to the french class. i hope to see you so
Today, we are learning the months of the year in french. after learning the days of the week and the months of the year, we will know the date of the day! bon travail les enfants! you can listen to a song about "les mois de l'année" to learn them in singing!
"promenons nous dans les bois, pendant que le loup n'y est pas"
I love this song, you can listen to it and watch the movie. so, we learned this song and we imitated the wolf who put its clothes (la chmise, le pantalon, les chaussures, les lunettes et le chapeau). at the end, the kids made a book with the new vocabulary.