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Tags associés : cartes, mini-albums, pages, studio calico

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Le blog de Sabbyscrap

Le blog de Sabbyscrap

Un petit blog de scrap pour rencontrer de nouvelles personnes et partager ma passion.
sabyscrap sabyscrap
Articles : 47
Depuis : 11/01/2010

Articles à découvrir

BOM#1: Prénom

Bom#1: prénom

Hello, i finally decided to start a bom along the year (book of me) i saw on the blog "operation bom" (sorry, it's in french). i was admiring the different pages, then i thought, "why not?". the first isntalment (from the beginning of january) was your first name. a bom, as some of you know, is a mini-book project about things about you. i may soun
In love with Chicago

In love with chicago

Hello, back with a lo i made with shimelle's challenge "and now for something completely different" over at uk scrappers. i used studio calico march kit story hour. i loved using an a4 picture and using glitter ribbon (by american crafts). it is my second layout about the cloud gate at the millenium park in chicago. i really loved it! chicago is fu
En pause / On hiatus

En pause / on hiatus

Hello, bonjour, as you can understand from the image, i'm putting this blog on pause as i figure out a way to go on blogging with passion. i'm taking a wonderful blogging class by liv lane, build a blog you truly love, and this class has made me thought a lot and the result of my nascent brainstorming is that this blog, as it is, does not fulfill m
A New Life LO

A new life lo

Hello, i'm back with a page i made using the add-on studio calico kit from april, versailles. i used a lo i saw in the "everyday storyteller" e-book i found here. it's a compilation of different chapters by different scrapbookers, and i find it very inspiring so far. i used melissa stinson's "first cherry blossom" page as inspiration. here is the r
February Dreamboard - Challenge La Fabrique

February dreamboard - challenge la fabrique

Bonjour, at jamie ridler studio, on feb. 7th, it was the full snow moon and time to make a dreamboard. it’s my first dreamboard and i loved the experience of making it. i’ll hang it on my wall above my craft table to be inspired by it every time i look at it. of course, it’s all tilted. nothing’s straight, but that’s ok. it’s my signatu
St Valentine's Day

St valentine's day

Hello, i'm back with a mini i did for my bf for st valentine's day using a 52-card deck. i found that tutorial from papervine and i decided to give it a shot. i found the 52 reasons in no time at all (i was afraid it would take forever). here is the result: un peu d'amour, ça ne fait pas de mal! oui, la st valentin est une fête commerciale, mais
Card Trio

Card trio

Hello, i'm finally back with the cards i told you about last week. i left without the pics on my computer, so i couldn't update my blog... anyway, here they are. the first one is a scraplift from maile belle. i wanted to use this gorgeous stamp set from papertrey ink: je suis enfin de retour avec les cartes dont je vous parlais la semaine dernière
Of Brides & Maids (of honor)

Of brides & maids (of honor)

Hello, time passes by so quickly... it's been more than a month since my last post. my academic year is over, so i have 5 months of free time to play & enjoy myself until the next classes in october. can't to get started on the fun! i come back with a lo i just made with my latest studio calico kit (april 2012), city of lights. i loved shimelle's l
Enfin de retour!!!

Enfin de retour!!!

Bonjour tout le monde, après des mois de silence, me revoilà! le blog en français reprend ici, en mots et en couleurs. oui, la photo est un peu horrible, mais en même temps, elle reflète bien les choses! au plaisir de vous retrouver sur ce nouveau blog! celui-ci ne sera plus remis à jour. after months of silence, i'm back. my english blog has
Where do I go from here? LO

Where do i go from here? lo

Hello, here is a lo i made using amy tan's class at studio calico (stretch your kit) with my county fair january kit. this time, the point was to use watercolor and a cut out title. i've been wanting to scrapbook that photo for a while. i like the fact that we can't see where the path leads you, it was pretty easy to make a parallel with how my lif