Van 2 news : we faced snow while we were going to the meeting point! we had the opportunity to take a coffee with the crazy bats at the meeting point that had been moved to a petrol station. our stage start on m5 and we stay on it during 50 kms starting with a slight rain which stop very quickly… we had the opportunity to get out of it and to “
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Alliance Running
A travers ce blog, l'Alliance Running vous fera partager son aventure entre Paris (France) et Togliatti (Russie). Une équipe, 20 athlètes, un relais en course à pied, 24h/24.
Articles à découvrir
Today, we’ve all run in pairs to cover a rather short distance and it all started with jean-pierre and jean-francois. they ran within the city of bryansk: they loved it even if it was raining and even if the pavement was sometimes tricky. they were really sad when we told them to pass the relay. - we met with team 2 in marinichi where we passed t
Van 2 news : we start with a picture under a tank with team 1 at staryja darohai with only 20 min late on the schedule, incredible after the yesterday crazy day. the russian initiate us at “super good” a leningrad group’s song. on the road we’ve meet our doc renaud and sacha with join us wo provides us food and water, two bananas, local sau
Dear all, thanks to all for your collaboration and your help, last but not least evening news….we’re back home ! attached pictures of french part of the team in the plane… on face book the picture of the team in front of the “atelier renault” facebook it’s now more than 500 “likes”
The new report on the official blog :
- the finishing line to togliatti is coming closer and we’re starting a section composed of motorways only which makes our progress quite difficult. we end up thinking that the only pleasure we take running on those roads is that they’re between paris and togliatti – meaning that running by night on motorways is clearly not fun… - jean fran
Van 2 news : we had the opportunity to take a coffee with the team 1 in a petrol station, and to participating at the at event with team one at tambov lada dealer, who offer to each of us a pot with honey. in order to exit safely of the tambov city we were escort by two police cars during ten kilometers. policemen accept nicely to be with us on a p
- one of the toughest days since the start of the race. we only got two hours o f sleep before starting running again. we even had to wake-up at 10:30 am to join the relay point with team 3 that was 90 kilometers back. - we performed 90 kilometers on two types of typical russian roads: either small in bad conditions or more frequented roads where r
22/09 - last day in belarus with a 96-kilometer stage that brought team 1 right before the border between belarus and russia. the team even performed a cumulative distance of 110+ kilometers. - succession of long straight roads for about 40 kilometers until jean-pierre’s turn. the navigation skills of two members in the team led him to perform an
Van 2 news : we had to defrost the windshield, colder and m5…we thought having reached the dangerous road, but today we were really in! hopefully we had the opportunity to join the crazy bats team (van 1) for a typical breakfast… our run was finished by 3 runners together under a rain with was beginning …. again with more than half an hour in