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L'antre du Dingo

L'antre du Dingo

Toutes mes reviews d'airsoft publiées sur les forums divers et les articles concernant les jeux vidéo parus dans feu le magazine PC4WAR.
Dingchavez90 Dingchavez90
Articles : 65
Depuis : 21/11/2012

Articles à découvrir

Déjà deux ans depuis la migration !

Ho ho ho ! les fêtes arrivent et vous êtes toujours nombreux à être redirigés vers canalglog lors de vos recherches. si vous n'étiez toujours pas au courant j'ai fait migrer l'antre vers une nouvelle page il y a plus de deux ans pour vous proposer une expérience de navigation plus moderne et adaptée aux téléphones et tablettes. mais où
Review Tokyo Marui Kel-Tec KSG. Le pompe du futur.

Review tokyo marui kel-tec ksg. le pompe du futur.

In need of a translation ? as no one seems to have noticed that i've been translating most of my review in english for almost two years, try clicking the flag of your choice to get the hyper-crisp "googletrad" :-) if you ever need a proper english translation to get the tone and the real meaning of this review, contact me ^^ blogger blogger blogger
Review G&G GMG42, la MG42 grand luxe et jouable !

Review g&g gmg42, la mg42 grand luxe et jouable !

In need of a translation ? as no one seems to have noticed that i've been translating most of my review in english for almost two years, try clicking the flag of your choice to get the hyper-crisp "googletrad" :-) if you ever need a proper english translation to get the tone and the real meaning of this review, contact me ^^ blogger blogger blogger
Review Maruzen P99 AS. Le plastique c'est fantastique.

Review maruzen p99 as. le plastique c'est fantastique.

In need of a translation ? as no one seems to have noticed that i've been translating most of my review in english for almost two years, try clicking the flag of your choice to get the hyper-crisp "googletrad" :-) if you ever need a proper english translation to get the tone and the real meaning of this review, contact me ^^ blogger blogger blogger
L'Antre déménage ! The Lair is moving !

L'antre déménage ! the lair is moving !

Bonjour à toutes et tous ! vous l'aurez remarqué (ou non !), il n'y a plus de nouvelles reviews depuis un moment déjà sur cette page. la raison est toute simple : après des années de bons et loyaux services, la plate-forme canalblog n'est tout simplement plus aux standards de l'internet moderne. c'est pourquoi, aidé de mon fidèle et néanmo
review Tokyo Marui G22. US Marshall !

Review tokyo marui g22. us marshall !

In need of a translation ? as no one seems to have noticed that i've been translating most of my review in english for almost two years, try clicking the flag of your choice to get the hyper-crisp "googletrad" :-) if you ever need a proper english translation to get the tone and the real meaning of this review, contact me ^^ blogger blogger blogger
Review Umarex/S&T -Beretta ARX160 Elite, Forza Italia !

Review umarex/s&t -beretta arx160 elite, forza italia !

In need of a translation ? as no one seems to have noticed that i've been translating most of my review in english for almost two years, try clicking the flag of your choice to get the hyper-crisp "googletrad" :-) if you ever need a proper english translation to get the tone and the real meaning of this review, contact me ^^ blogger blogger blogger

Review ics cxp hog cqb

In need of a translation ? as no one seems to have noticed that i've been translating most of my review in english for almost two years, try clicking the flag of your choice to get the hyper-crisp "googletrad" :-) if you ever need a proper english translation to get the tone and the real meaning of this review, contact me ^^ blogger blogger blogger
Review Airsoft Pionner (SOUL) SVU-AS

Review airsoft pionner (soul) svu-as

In need of a translation ? as no one seems to have noticed that i've been translating most of my review in english for almost two years, try clicking the flag of your choice to get the hyper-crisp "googletrad" :-) if you ever need a proper english translation to get the tone and the real meaning of this review, contact me ^^ blogger blogger blogger