I post my work in various scrapbooking galleries around the internet. some of my most complete galleries include: my blog : http://polinka.canalblog.com 2peas gallery : http://www.twopeasinabucket.com/userprofile.asp?user_id=279997 flickr gallery : http://flickr.com/photos/polinka_scrap/ scrapbook.com: http://www.scrapbook.com/profiles/197407.html
Ses blogs
Articles à découvrir
Une robe en jersey d'après le tuto très clair de scattered thoughts of a crafty mom et merci maman pour le tissu :-) dobby est toujours dans le coin pour les séances photos :-)
Sweet twee laboratories http://sweettweelab.blogspot.com/ (us kit club) guest designer february 2009 color your world http://coloryourworld.over-blog.com/ (french challenge blog) guest designer – challenge 17 may 2008
Toujours pour ma puce...
My scrapbooking style is very eclectic. i love patterned paper. i love fabric. i love texture. i love painting. i love stamping. and i adore stitching. my pages are often taking a bright, whimsical look. i love to scrapbook in many different formats and sizes... ( 12x12, 6x6, european a4 layouts as well as mini albums and home decor items)
Miss color your world 2009 http://coloryourworld.over-blog.com february 2009 contest winner scraptournoi http://scraptournoi.forumactif.fr (french scrapbooking message board) may-june 2008 tournament contest winner pub calls http://pubcalls.blogspot.com/ nsd sketch contest – may 2008 honorable mention color your world http://coloryourworld.over-b
Scrap art zine magazine (saz) german magazine http://www.scrap-art-zine.de/ "alessio" vol. 14 - 2010 {entre artistes} magazine french magazine http://www.entreartistesmagazine.com/ "love - embroidery hoop" issue #8 scrap art zine magazine (saz) german magazine http://www.scrap-art-zine.de/ "philomène & moi" vol. 12 - herbst 2009 scrapbooking memor
I would love to work in the design team in kit stores, online stores or scrapbook manufacters, as well as challenges blogs. please feel free to contact me @ polinka_scrap@yahoo.fr if you think my style would be a complement to your sites, product or publication. i am also interested in guest design spots and writing opportunities. i am capable of c
Et voici une nouvelle série de jouets "cherche et trouve" (à partir de 3 ans), pour tous les goûts et dans toutes les couleurs... pour les voir tous, c'est par ici: http://polinka68.alittlemarket.com
Une petite serie d'accessoires pour cheveux pour petites filles coquettes... plein d'autres coloris et motifs sur la boutique: http://polinka68.alittlemarket.com