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Open Tuts

Tutoriels, GIMP et Blender, en français & anglais. GIMP and Blender tutorials, in French and English.
rore rore
Articles : 19
Depuis : 20/02/2009
Categorie : Technologie & Science

Open Scgribouillis

Illustrations & cie par Rore - sous Linux, parce que ça sert aussi à gribouiller.
rore rore
Articles : 81
Depuis : 09/01/2007
Categorie : Mode, Art & Design

Articles à découvrir

I.F.: Cocoon

I.f.: cocoon

Giving a try at illustration friday's topic. this week topic is cocoon. i like the idea of being given a new topic each week. also, i wonder if i should stay on this blog platfom: much more ads than everywhere else, ugly compression if i upload directly an image there, no image taller/wider than 800px, and an interface for new messages that is not
GIMP tutorial: Striped background

Gimp tutorial: striped background

This tutorial will show you how to create quickly some stripes to add to an image (for example, the image on the right here with some thin diagonal stripes) most tutorials depends on the use of a pattern with stripes, but here we will use gradients.the gradient method allows to create quickly stripes of any size and any angle. the drawback is that,
Tutoriel GIMP: Fond à rayures

Tutoriel gimp: fond à rayures

Ce tutoriel va montrer comment créer rapidement des rayures sur une image ( comme par exemple, l'image à droite ici, avec les fines rayures diagonales). la plupart des tutoriels existants nécéssitent l'utilisation d'un motif (pattern) à rayures, mais ici, nous allons utiliser des dégradés. cette méthode permet de créer rapidement des rayur
Emacs joke

Emacs joke

My latest silly joke. i'm not really pro- or anti- emacs, i'm only pro- ridiculous software-related jokes.done with gimp2.7 (that is, git version from 3 weeks ago, something like that).and yes, there's 12 fingers. *that* is the joke. (people who never read emacs/vim argument won't understand. sorry.) btw, i decided to move most of the "tattoo desig
Blender tutorial: Winter scene : 3/3

Blender tutorial: winter scene : 3/3

Notice: this tutorial really needs to be updated, i'll try to do it asap. part 1: the snowman part 2: the fir trees part 3: the scene setting and render 21. let's start with the camera. select it, and try to point it at the snowman (with g and r), so that you can see the snowman and also the forest. you can go in the camera view (0) to help you (yo
Blender Tutorial : Octopus with Subsurfs : 1/2

Blender tutorial : octopus with subsurfs : 1/2

Last update : april 2007, for blender 2.43 - it really needs to be updated as many things changed. this tutorial will teach you how to make a little octopus, using the "subsurf" functionality. this functionality allows you to create smooth/organic shapes rather easily. if you don't know the subsurf function, the first part of the tutorial may seems


Le pointillisme, c'est bien pour se vider la tête la nuit en attendant que la température descende. encore un arbre tortillé, c't'une obsession ma parole ! pointillism is the perfect thing to empty my head at night, while i'm wainting for the temperature to dip. a tree once again, darn...
Blender Tutorial : Octopus with Subsurfs : 2/2

Blender tutorial : octopus with subsurfs : 2/2

Last update : april 2007, for blender 2.43 - it really needs to be updated as many things changed. beginning the modeling adding the subsurfs 2. adding the subsurfs (or subdivision surfaces) 11. using subsurf is very simple : in the edition menu (f9) click on "add modifier" (on the "modifier" tab) and choose "subsurf". as you can see now, a rounded
Triskels etc.

Triskels etc.

--- post moved to this blog. --- some kind of triskele designs done this weekend. draft on paper, then vectorisation with inkscape. des sortes de motifs de triskels faits ce we. brouillon sur papier, puis vectorisation avec inkscape. and a hand drawn triple triquetra (well, actually, it's one triquetra interlaced with a double one), because it turn
Blender tutorial: Winter scene : 1/3

Blender tutorial: winter scene : 1/3

Notice: this tutorial really needs to be updated, i'll try to do it asap. part 1: the snowman part 2: the fir trees part 3: the scene setting and render this tutorial will tell you how to make a simple winter scene. some fir trees and a snowman. it is supposed to show you how to use the most common blender fonctionnalities (modeling, adding materia