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Laura Freire

Laura Freire

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*akka design*

*akka design*

Art, craft, design
Laura Freire Laura Freire
Articles : 108
Depuis : 26/03/2009
Categorie : Mode, Art & Design

Articles à découvrir

Batik lamps

Batik lamps

A few of my experiments in batik , a textile decorating technique. the lamp covers are cut and sewn to fit an ikea lamp . i made three different ones, so i can change the look of the lamp.
A fiber offence

A fiber offence

I think my spring cotton scarf offended the winter god. today barcelona is blocked under the worst snow storm of the last i-don't-know-how-many years. really impressive. my street is on top of a hill, next to a park. my neighbours are riding on plastic bags sleighs down the street... i'm wearing my wool scarf again (and hat and gloves and two pairs
Too late for wool?

Too late for wool?

These days you can feel the spring is round the corner, so it seemed a better idea to use cotton for my next weaving project. what looks like navy blue in the picture is actually a nice purple colour in reality, but i couldn't get it right with my camera. you can't see me smiling but i am really happy with it.
UFO attack #1: the cushion

Ufo attack #1: the cushion

After i moved into the new apartment i planned a massive attack to the ufos (unfinished objects :-) i have around. the easiest one (because it was almost finished) was this crochet cushion i started in ireland last year. the project was for a crochet-only cushion to recycle some old yarn but it was too ugly to be true (or too ugly to be mine) so i
Self portrait  in my school assignment

Self portrait in my school assignment

It doesn't happen very often that you can wear your school assignments. i suppose this is one of the privileges of studying textiles. the project was about a colour: i chose pink. it was about making something to represent it: i chose crocheting a shawl. a very feminin, victorian style lace shawl was the pinkest thing i could think of. this is hair
Batik and me

Batik and me

This is a batik piece i made on silk. i've been learning this technique in the textile dyeing workshop at school. i'd like to show a quick photo sequence of the process as i learned it: 1. preparing the wax by melting it together with paraffin and filtering. once it starts to solidify, we slice it into small dices. 2. melting the wax in a canting a
First, eat the honey

First, eat the honey

Second, make bee wax candles: last christmas a friend who keeps bees in sicily as a hobby gave us a big piece of a honeycomb: it was very interesting to observe it. some cells were full of honey, others had pure propolis in them and others served as storage space for tiny bits of pollen, strictly separated by the kind of flower they were taken from
Sunday walk

Sunday walk

On sunday afternoon we walked around the city. we chose a new neighbourhood to discover, sarrià. there were surprises along the way, including nice patterns and terrible monsters . we ended up at the museum of decorative arts palau reial de pedralbes .