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Helene NDRC

Helene NDRC

Tags associés : 10k, brian mitchell, congo

Ses blogs

Notre Dame Refugee Centre

Notre Dame Refugee Centre

Updates, news, photos - life at the Centre.. Actualités, rendez-vous, photos - la vie au Centre..
Helene NDRC Helene NDRC
Articles : 116
Depuis : 06/07/2009
Categorie : Environnement & Bio

Articles à découvrir

More photos from the London Legal Sponsored walk

More photos from the london legal sponsored walk

Pictures taken by chris - again, they speak for themselves! such a good evening and brilliant to raise much needed funds for our advice services. a huge thank you to everyone who walked - and everyone who donated. if you would like to sponsor us, there's still time if you visit the walk web page.
London Legal Sponsored Walk

London legal sponsored walk

The date is fast approaching: on monday 16th may, a team from ndrc will be walking the 10 km route, along with 5,000 other walkers all raising funds for much needed legal advice. please consider sponsoring us - it's quick and easy on this web page. encouragement from the legal profession: "as lawyers we all know the great benefits that can derive f

New blog

We've got our new website - and a new blog... we're moving away from canalblog to wordpress where (sorry - canalblog!) it'smuch easier to upload photos, videos etc. the new address is please follow us there....

A photography exhibition for refugee week

A date for the diary: please do come along to lunch at our drop-in café on monday 20th june to mark the start of refugee week – we are delighted to be hosting home sweet home, a unique photography exhibition organised by women for refugee women. the photographs show the lives of women who have sought asylum in the uk and are taken by women refug
An award for Karamba

An award for karamba

Karamba, who volunteers every week in the drop-in cafe, was looking extremely smart on monday and had brought in a very impressive certificate. he's worked over the years with ruth and fiona, our esol (english as a second language) co-ordinators here, and has also studied english at the mary ward centre. he's a keen learner - and his tutors at mary
An award fo Marie Louise Mbondo

An award fo marie louise mbondo

Our wonderful volunteer jean murat has spotted news of an old friend of the centre - marie louise mbondo. marie louise, a receptionist in the audiology department of st mary's hospital, london, won an award at imperial college healthcare's prestigious outstanding service care and research awards at the waldorf hilton on 6 april 2011. marie, who wor
Our visitors' photos at Westminster

Our visitors' photos at westminster

At home sweet home, a photography exhibition by organised by women asylum seekers together at portcullis house, westminster (led by natasha walter). so brilliant to see esther, herlinde and madeleine there - and their work on display. herlinde spoke about her experience. and here with her photos.... there were some star speakers - the actress julie
Visitors from the Catholic Women's League

Visitors from the catholic women's league

We were lucky to have two visitors today, invited by sister albertine. pat cole and eileen goudie, chair and treasurer of the aylesbury branch of the catholic women's league brought a cheque for £125, a splendid sum. it was collected at a tea party to the group after a talk last month by sisteralbertine who apparently made a passionate and very in

New website

At last! our new website is up and running. please do take a look and sign up to follow us on facebook and twitter, too. lots is happening....
High spirits on the sponsored walk...

High spirits on the sponsored walk...

A team of us from ndrc walked ten kilometres last night - completing the 7th london legal sponsored walk to raise money for our advice services. the result so far: more than £3,000 of sponsorship. thank you so much to everyone who has contributed to such a brilliant effort... if you haven't yet sponsored us, there's still time if you visit the wal